Jonathan Kolb

EELISA FAU Student Representative

Jonathan is responsible for representing FAU students’ interests to the whole alliance. If you want to engage with EELISA or if you want to share your feedback you can reach him through his FAU e-mail address

What does EELISA mean to Jonathan?

Why is it worthwhile to be part of EELISA?

You get to know many interesting, international students that are super engaged in building a common European university. Another aspect I enjoy greatly is the wide range of interdisciplinary events and communities that bring together various different perspectives and skill sets.

Before volunteering for EELISA, …

I was active as a board member for Bavaria’s largest youth environmental NGO. My focus topics were enabling youth paritcipation and climate action. Both are still important to me, hence why I want to integrate these topics in my engagement as student representative.

These EELISA topics are most important to me:

Sustainability as a central value for all activities while enabling collaboration across Europe. Promoting the benefits of the European University Alliances to students and increasing student engagement with EELISA